2017 Evergreen Summer Doubles
7th Jul, 2017 - Hi all, me again. Richard Dustan has decided to cancel the grouse grind challenge this year due to small entry and conflicts in tournament matches for most that did sign up. Sorry to all the grind enthusiast but we'll try again next year or arrange as a completely separate event to avoid conflicts. That's it for now, cheers Mark
6th Jul, 2017 - Hi all, me again. Registration opens @ 6:30 on Friday night. Come on down and pick up your souvenirs, enjoy the tournament dinner, have a beer or 2 and watch some open matches. Hope to see you here! Cheers, Mark
5th Jul, 2017 - Hi everyone, welcome to the 2017 Evergreen Summer Doubles Tournament. I'll be posting things now and then to keep you updated with what is going on. Right now, we have a problem with getting the consolation rounds on SportyHQ as it is not matching up with our draw set-up. This only applies to the consolation and doesn't affect main draws or round robin play. So, for the consolation times, please see the posted…

This year's event will be held Tuesday, July 4th to Sunday, July 9th, 2017. With a number of venues used for the matches.
Thanks to a number of volunteers, there are always enough snacks to keep the competitors, and guests, from completely starving while catching the matches. The Saturday night party, to which those attending contribute, is traditionally hosted in the home of one of our generous members.
With the summer looming large, with the generosity of the sponsors and volunteers, and with the hearty competition, it is definitely an event to add to your calendar early in the year. You don't want to miss it.
West Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia V5V 3H4
West Vancouver, British Columbia V7S 2S5
1630 W 15th Ave
Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 2K7