2017 Evergreen Squashes Cancer

Recent Results
Evergreen is excited to announce the 5th Annual Evergreen Squashes Cancer Tournament happeningJanuary 11-15, 2016. The registration deadline is approaching so sign up now!

This years Open $5,000 draw will be named in honour of Paul Marley, who was the driving force behind the PSA Comfort Inn Open from 2005 – 2012 and was a recipient of numerous awards including the Sport BC President’s Award and the Queen’s Jubilee award.

The Open draw will include the best local entrants competing alongside 3 of the worlds top players:

New Zealander World #78 Martin Knight

Canadian - World Ranked #90 Mike Mccue

Canadian - World Ranked #101 Nick Sachvie

Enter the tournament now to help Evergreen Squash Cancer!
Photo Stream
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1 2 3 4 5   Overall Experience
When promoting the tournament, can I suggest you highlight the socials, drinks, dinners, etc. Perhaps I missed it but the only time I knew there dinner, and drinks, was at the time I picked up my registration pack, at my first game and that was Friday.

Also, Thomas...how come you didn't include the doubles B division winner results !!! That was me, Jennifer Pearson and Donna Pakaluk (who substituted for Pam Brunswick).
1 2 3 4 5   Value for Money
1 2 3 4 5   Club Facilities
1 2 3 4 5   Communication
1 2 3 4 5   Atmosphere
1 2 3 4 5   Level of Competition
Where & When
Wed, Jan 11th 2017
Sun, Jan 15th 2017
Sat, Jan 7th 2017 11:59pm

315 Klahanie Court
West Vancouver, British Columbia
Sanctioned Event

This is a Squash BC sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Cathy Covernton

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thomas Brinkman

British Columbia, Canada
Who's Registered?
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