Alicia  Adams
Alicia Adams

GAUTENG, Gauteng, South Africa


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Alicia 's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
WS Tennis South Africa Custom 549 1231 61,335
WD Tennis South Africa Custom 834 875 6,100
GS 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 162 338 61,335
GD 16 Tennis South Africa Custom 222 225 6,100
WS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 409 1031 61,335
Womens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 586 1258 62,860
Girls U16 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 167 342 62,860
GS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 253 825 61,335
GS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 464 957 61,335
GS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 366 823 61,335
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Alicia 's fans

Sadi Adams

Greenstone Hill, Gauteng, South Africa

Warren Adams

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Mpho Bowers

Illovo, Gauteng, South Africa

Jessica-Sam Du Preez

Modderfontein, Gauteng, South Africa

Kianna Pinto-Duarte

Modderfontein, Gauteng, South Africa
Alicia is a fan of...

Mpho Bowers

Illovo, Gauteng, South Africa

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Modderfontein, Gauteng, South Africa

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Greenstone Hill, Gauteng, South Africa

Keegan Groenewald

Midstream, Gauteng, South Africa

Janine ramiah

Gauteng, Gauteng, South Africa

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