State Junior Teams

Division 1
The schedule for this event has not been published. Please check back later.
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Live Scoring Available!
Use SportyHQ's free Score Squash app to live score matches for this league on your mobile device. After you download the app, you'll be able to login, select your team and find the fixture that you're marking a match for. Every point gets recorded so that players can review the match in detail later and the results are recorded online instantly!

Available on the App Store 2000px-Get_it_on_Google_play.svg

Sanctioned League
State Junior Teams is sanctioned by WA Squash.
League Organizer(s)

Sue Hillier

Western Australia, AU

Maddy Jamieson

Tuart Hill , Western Australia, AU

Dean Williams

Milton, Queensland, AU

Tim Cowell

Padbury, Western Australia, AU

Kane Fasolo

MIRRABOOKA, Western Australia, AU

Tyron Holloway

Wanneroo, Western Australia, AU
